First of all, you have to finish the technical intern training 2 or 3. If you are in Japan, you can start finding jobs 3 or 4 months before finishing the training program. If you want to change your visa to the same industry, you may need to submit residence card, TITP certificate/SSW certificate, and JLPT or JFT certificate. If you want to change to the different industry, you may need to sit exam to get the certificate for that industry and submit the documents stated as above. The visa process may take 1 to 1.5 month. On the other hand, if you are already back in the country after finished your training, you may need to submit the documents stated as above but the visa process may take 5 to 6 months.
Articles in this section
- Document Uploads on Connect Job WORKERS
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- Can I bring my family along with me?
- Can I work in Japan without a university degree? (Text includes Bahasa Indonesia)
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