Procedures for payment methods
(set up after applying for insurance)
Once you have completed the insurance application, the next step is to complete the payment procedure.
Please register your bank account information.
A: When registering on the web page after completing the insurance application
1. Completed application for the insurance plan
When the 「口座登録のお願い(Account Registration Request)」 screen appears, press 「次へ進む(Next)」.
2. Confirm the payment method
Check the method of payment of insurance fees.
Insurance fees are automatically withdrawn from your bank account by direct debit.
Click 「次へ進む(Next)」
3. Set up your bank account
Select the bank account to be used for payment.
If the name of the bank where you have an account is not listed, select it from 「その他(Others)」.
4. Fill in the form
① Please fill 「支店番号((Branch No)」、「預金種別(Deposit Type)」、「口座番号(account number)」、「口座名義人(Name of the person who own the account)(Please fill in Katakna)」、「口座名義人生年月日(Date of birth of the person who owns the account)」
※セイ(姓): Family name メイ(名): Given name
② Click 「次へ進む(Next)」
5. Confirm the information and go to the bank's website
Check that there are no mistakes and press 「金融機関へ(Go to Financial Institution)」.
6. Set up on the bank's website
You will be directed to the bank's Web site, where you will put in the necessary information.
7. Completed all the procedure
All procedures are now complete! Thank you so much.
B: To register from the e-mail received after completing the insurance application
1. Go to the website from the URL on the email
Click on the URL below 「加入内容のご確認アドレス(Address to confirm subscription details)」
① Check the 「パスワード(password)」 sent to you in the other email and put it in.
② Click 「ログイン(log in)」.
3. Confirm the information on「お手続き内容」
If the information is correct, click 「次へ進む(Next)」.
4. Confirm the payment method
Click 「次へ進む(Next)」.
5. After this, proceed in the same way as from A-2.
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